Total E-Clips

Total E-Clips

Total e-Clips is the “one stop shop,” the “filter,” the final destination for everyone and anyone who is entertained and turned on by the brilliant diversity taking place on the World Wide Web every single day. In our incredibly fast paced, visual, edgy, unique, show, we will bring you the bottomless well of brilliant, diverse, creative, and original clips that span across all genres. And joining us will be the millions of people who visit the internet each day along with countless other millions who want us to search out the best of the best and bring this content right into their living rooms.
Our format is perfect for virtually any day part, is completely evergreen, strippable, and multi-runnable. And the monetization opportunities, from engaging a world wide audience, are endless.

Literally, all day every day around the world, millions of people are signing on to countless sites like My Space, You Tube, and E-Baums World to watch massive quantities of original content created specifically for the web. Don’t worry, we’ve done the work for you!

Total e-Clips is available in :30 minute episodes as well as for primetime International format sales. Existing content can be voiced over, dubbed, or contain sub-titles. It is your perfect primetime opportunity!

Total e-Clips… television for the next century!

© 2014, Sandy Frank Entertainment. Web Site: Don Waller Interactives, New York